

Favorites are found in the Sidebar; they are links to paths you use often. You can have as many lists of favorite paths as you like here, organized into Groups. Click on any Favorite in the list to open the path in the current Tab. When you first open One Commander a Default Favorites Group is created ("Account name" is the name of the account you're signed in to on your computer):

Adding Groups and Favorites

Add new Favorites Group: Click the button at the bottom of the Sidebar.
Add new path to a Group: Click on the "+" button to the right of the Group's name adds the current folder to the Group:

If you delete the Default Favorites group by mistake, don't panic! It can be recreated by going to Settings > Window and clicking on the button.

Rearranging Favorites Groups

Click on the button to:

  • Rename Favorites Group
  • Change order of Favorites Groups (select "Move up" or "Move down")
  • Delete Favorites Group

Editing Favorites within a Group

The context (right-click) menu for any favorite allows you to:

  • Open the favorite in a new Tab in the current Browser, or a new Tab in the Browser that doesn't currently have the focus
  • Remove the Path from this Favorites list (this doesn't delete the Path from the computer)
  • Change Alias — i.e. rename the Favorite

Adding Groups and Favorites

  • Add new Favorites Group by clicking the New Group button at the bottom of the Sidebar.
  • Add new path to a Group by clicking on the "+" button to the right of the Group's name:

2. Quick introductory guide:6. Sidebar
3. Full reference guide:Settings:Debug
3. Full reference guide:Settings:Other
3. Full reference guide:Settings:Window